MACHINE MODELING AND SIMULATIONS, Machine Modelling and Simulations 2022

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Study on the effect of knife edge construction on oilseed grinding efficiency
Krzysztof Tyszczuk, Grzegorz Śmigielski

Last modified: 21. 11. 2022


The technological process of grinding raw materials, especially seeds with high oil content, is quite complex.  It requires consideration of many input parameters such as speed, process temperature, material transport speed. The efficiency of the grinding of seeds with a high fat content, understood as a favourable relation between cost and effect (processability) justifies the need the use of special precision grinders. This type of grinder of author's design was the object of research. In the preparation of dietary supplements based on oilseeds, the size of the ground particles should be in the range of 0.6-0.8 mm, which guarantees very good mixing with liquids and high digestibility and assimilability by the body. During the grinding process, the temperature should not exceed 27-42 degrees, and the essential oils should not be separated. This paper presents a summary of research carried out to determine the effect of knife edge design angle on the oilseed grinding process.  The degree of shredding, oiliness and the final temperature of the product were evaluated.