MACHINE MODELING AND SIMULATIONS, Machine Modelling and Simulations 2022

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Selection of the heat transfer coefficient using swarming algorithms
Elżbieta Gawrońska, Robert Dyja, Maria Zych, Grzegorz Domek

Last modified: 04. 11. 2022


The article presented the use of swarming algorithms in the selection of the heat transfer coefficient, taking into account the boundary condition of the IV type. Numerical calculations were made using the proprietary TalyFEM program and classic from of swarming algorithms. A function was also used for the calculations, which during the calculation determined the error of the approximate solution and was minimalized using the algorithms used respectively ABC and ACO. The tests were carried our for the selection of the heat transfer coefficient from one range.  Geometry for a mesh of 80 fine elements with 58 nodes, the research of which was carried out, is presents two squares (one on top of the other) separated by a heat transfer layer with a kappa coefficient. On the right and left banks of both areas, a type III boundary condition was established, the upper and lower shores were isolated, and a type IV boundary condition with imperfect contact was established between the areas. Calculations were made for ABC and ACO respectively, for populations equal to 20, 40, 60 individuals and for 2, 6, 12 iterations. In addition, in each case 0%, 1%, 2%, 5% distortion of the reference values was also taken into account. The obtained results are satisfactory and very close to the reference values of the kappa parameter. The obtained results demonstrate the possibility of using artificial intelligence algorithms to reconstruct the value of the IV type boundary condition during heat conduction modeling.