MACHINE MODELING AND SIMULATIONS, Machine Modeling and Simulations 2021

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Modeling of belt gears damage
Elzbieta Gawronska, Grzegorz Domek, Piotr Krawiec, Andrzej Kołodziej

Last modified: 10. 05. 2023


he paper looks into the problem of choosing a drive belt for construction. The previously developed selection algorithms were subjected to another evaluation that helped us note the need for the necessary changes indicated in developing new designs of drive belts. The new algorithm will be tested by simulating the operating conditions of the transmission, to which the belt must be selected right belt. Damage assessment after operation and belt selection allows for the identification of a new coupling model. Indicating the relationship of specific failure cases with the parameters of the coupling model allows us to see the functionality of the selection algorithm. Existing belt transmission damage can be multiple. The feed may be broken; the surface may be damaged, the same as the edges. Furthermore, the wheels and bearings may be damaged, too. The belt can have many additional functions that affect its operating parameters. Next to the drive function, the belt often performs conveyor and control functions. Thus additional types of damage occur in belts with additional functions. The number of causes of their occurrence is also growing. Damage to the sling in the passenger elevator can endanger the life of the passengers. Intensive research is being carried out on the real-mode damage monitoring systems. Specific failures are monitored, and appropriate systems are designed for them. Therefore it is important to conduct work on damage to belt transmissions, modeling their course and causes.