MACHINE MODELING AND SIMULATIONS, Machine Modeling and Simulations 2017

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Wear research of railway wheelset profile by using computer simulation
Lukáš Smetanka, Pavol Šťastniak, Jozef Harušinec

Last modified: 15. 02. 2018


The wear of rails and rail wheels is important problem in rail traffic. The change of the shape of the wheel profile has not only a great influence on the dynamic properties of the vehicle (like stability, safety by passing curved tracks, etc.), but also affects the ride comfort of passengers and environmental insults, in extreme cases it can cause rail derailment. One of the ways to predict these undesired conditions are computer aided simulation analyzes. In this article are presented assessments of wheel profile wear by Archard wear law in Simpack simulation software, when is railway vehicle driving at different speeds.

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