MACHINE MODELING AND SIMULATIONS, Machine Modeling and Simulations 2017

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The use of CAD applications in the design of shredders for polymers
Marek Macko, Krzysztof Tyszczuk, Grzegorz Śmigielski, Józef Flizikowski, Adam Mroziński

Last modified: 15. 02. 2018


Computer-aided design is now the primary design tool, providing opportunities for enhancing project quality, allowing for detailed analysis of the features of the solution. In the methodology, computer simulation elements were used. Computer simulation aims to reconstruct the course of the studied process from its mathematical model using a computer and to examine the influence of the environment (input signals) and the internal properties of the object (process parameters) on the characteristics of the object. In designing the shredder, in addition to the selection of structural features, it is also possible to perform strength and kinematic simulations, resulting in a higher quality of the target solution. The results of the simulation work presented in the paper indicate a wide range of possible applications - also in the field of food engineering and processing of polymers - eg shredder mechanisms. Particular attention has been paid to limiting the energy consumed on the deformation of samples, eg by pre-compaction of the sample before introduction To the working area of ​​the shredder. It has been estimated that the gap between the rotating discs should be minimized. Establishing design guidelines has resulted in a number of concept designs.

Full Text: PAPER